Black labrador in daffodils at the park in London

Dog Behaviour Support in East Sheen, Barnes, Putney, Kew and Richmond

Helping you and your dog with problem behaviours

In-person session are available in SW London. Online training is available via Zoom across the UK.

Dog behaviour can be quite puzzling

If you've reached the point of seeking help regarding your dog's behaviour, you may be finding life with your dog quite stressful and be feeling worried, frustrated and even upset. It's possible your relationship with your dog isn't as strong as it was or as strong as you had hoped it would become.

Perhaps you've been trying to find a solution, but the range of conflicting advice leaves you at a loss.  Don’t worry - I can help and support you.

“Huge progress with our dog’s anxiety”

“Working with Sorrel has worked wonders for my dog. She gave me valuable insight as to the type of anxiety my dog had and how you could distract her from it making it easier to find ways of helping my dog when her anxiety started to overwhelm her. I have seen a huge amount of progress in a much shorter time than I have with other behaviourists.”

Pia’s owner

The key to success is putting together the pieces of the puzzle

First, it's important to recognise that there's no true quick fix to changing behaviour. It takes time. Think about how hard it is to change our own behaviour, especially if it's a habit we've had for some while.

Second, your dog is a unique individual whose character and behaviour are influenced by nature, nurture and breed traits as well as learning history. 

Third, the key to unlocking behaviour change is to understand why the behaviour is occurring in first place, in other words, what’s driving it.

Once I have all the pieces of the puzzle, I can create a bespoke, practical plan for you to follow. It will be a plan specifically for your unique dog, produced using a thoughtful, ethical approach, backed up by knowledge and experience. I can support you as you implement the plan.

Rest assured, I firmly believe we should always be kind and gentle to dogs. If we're aligned on that, then we'd be a good match to work together to help your dog.

Collie dog

Here’s how we’ll work together:

  • I'll gather information from you and your vet about your dog's history and behaviour.

  • We'll have an in-person (or online) consultation during which we'll look in depth at what’s going on including:

    • what happens immediately before and after the unwanted behaviour occurs

    • your dog's emotional state

    • communication between you and your dog

  • I'll produce your written plan, bespoke to your dog, complete with practical guidance for you to follow. I'll write a separate report for your vet.

  • We'll have a follow-up meeting in person (or online) to discuss to how things are going and help you with practical implementation (to be held within two months of the consultation).

  • I will give you email support in between the consultation and our follow-up meeting so you can feel confident.

Contact me to book